Compressed Hair: All of her hair is inside her veil.Cat Smile: Has this in her up pose during "Parish".Can't Hold Her Liquor: She has a poor tolerance to alcohol, and yet she drinks wine.When she shows up, Sarvente doesn't have any sort of reaction to her. Boomerang Bigot: She hates all demons despite being one herself, except Girlfriend apparently.However, Sarvente's bone anatomy is bizarre in her own right it's pink, has vines growing around it, there's a latter R on right arm, her right leg's more black and cracked than her left, and her microphone has a flower in it. Bizarre Alien Biology: Like with Girlfriend, her skeleton ( shown here ◊) has no individual bones aside from the skull and also has horns on the skull.That being said, she is genuine in her attempts to convert people to God, she is simply much too overzealous about it. Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She has the appearance of a friendly nun, but it soon becomes clear she is anything but.This foul temper is, ironically, the reason why she isn't successful at converting people towards God in the first place. Berserk Button: Not wanting to convert to her church sets her off greatly.One of the creators of the mod has also made duet songs for them to battle together with should the other creators choose to add them to the mod.

While they don't rap together, Ruv only rap battles after seeing Sarvente exausted and Sarvente herself goes One-Winged Angel only after Ruv is beaten.

I didn't quite understand what you said but let me show you why it's really good to join!"